Dr. Danny Chan Featured on Radio Show for Pelvic Congestion in Women & Testicular Issues in Men

Dr. Danny Chan of Precision VIR was featured on The Staying Young Radio Show to discuss pelvic congestion syndrome in women and testicular issues in men. Hosted by two renowned physicians, Drs. Walter Gaman and J. Mark Anderson, and a top health and wellness expert, Judy Gaman, the show provides listeners with humorous banter combined … Continue reading Dr. Danny Chan Featured on Radio Show for Pelvic Congestion in Women & Testicular Issues in Men

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

The causes of chronic pelvic pain are varied, but are often associated with the presence of ovarian and pelvic varicose veins. Pelvic congestion syndrome is similar to varicose veins in the legs. In both cases, the valves in the veins that help return blood to the heart against gravity become weakened and don’t close properly, … Continue reading Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

Leg Cramping

Leg Cramping is a Common Symptom of Venous Disease An extremely common symptom of venous disease in the legs is cramping. Cramping is most often worse at night, or after a long day of sitting or standing. The cramping sensation is often an indication that fluid is accumulating during the day due to increased venous … Continue reading Leg Cramping

Itching / Burning On The Legs

Why are My Legs Itching / Burning? Itching and/or burning on the legs may be an indication of an underlying venous issue such as varicose veins or spider veins. They may be centered around a cluster of prominent spider veins or visible varicose veins. A throbbing sensation may be an additional symptom along with the itching … Continue reading Itching / Burning On The Legs