The Best Peripheral Vascular Disease Doctors in DFW Saved My Legs

Jeff*, a 43-year-old man from Fort Worth, Texas, was diagnosed with peripheral vascular disease (PVD) by a vascular surgeon in central Texas. In peripheral vascular disease (PVD), also known as peripheral arterial disease (PAD), there is significant amount of calcium and plaque inside the arteries causing them to become hard and narrowed. This results in … Continue reading The Best Peripheral Vascular Disease Doctors in DFW Saved My Legs

ClosureFast Targeted Endovenous Therapy FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions About the ClosureFast™ Procedure (previously known as Venefit™ or VNUS closure) The Preferred Treatment for Varicose Veins and CVI The ClosureFast™ procedure (previously known as Venefit™) is a minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins and Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) in which one of the experienced doctors at Precision VIR inserts an Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) Catheter to collapse … Continue reading ClosureFast Targeted Endovenous Therapy FAQs

Vascular Doctors Working with Podiatrists & Wound Care Physicians

The doctors at Precision Vascular and Interventional (Precision VIR) strongly feel that the best care of chronic and critical limb ischemia patients requires a team approach with podiatrists and wound care doctors. These patients with arterial ischemic wounds, especially those in diabetic patients, require the off-loading and wound care that a well-trained podiatrist can provide. … Continue reading Vascular Doctors Working with Podiatrists & Wound Care Physicians

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

The causes of chronic pelvic pain are varied, but are often associated with the presence of ovarian and pelvic varicose veins. Pelvic congestion syndrome is similar to varicose veins in the legs. In both cases, the valves in the veins that help return blood to the heart against gravity become weakened and don’t close properly, … Continue reading Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

Guidelines for After Sclerotherapy

You have been treated for unwanted veins on your legs or trunk. The recovery is very simple and predictable with most individuals having little or no problems, especially if you follow the instructions below after your Sclerotherapy treatment. Resume daily activities as normal. Wear the compression stockings or support hose on the treated leg continuously … Continue reading Guidelines for After Sclerotherapy

Skin Discoloration & Hyperpigmentation

Personalized Medical Treatment for Skin Discoloration & Hyperpigmentation Skin discoloration happens when iron from the red blood cells gets deposited under the skin and “stains” the skin. This occurs when there is increased venous congestion causing a leaking of red blood cells into the tissues, especially the lower legs. The venous congestion can be from underlying varicose veins. When … Continue reading Skin Discoloration & Hyperpigmentation