Dr. Suzanne Slonim Featured on Radio Show for Fibroids & Treatment Options

Dr. Suzanne Slonim of Precision VIR was featured on The Staying Young Radio Show to discuss fibroids and treatment options for women. The Staying Young Radio Show is a fun, high-energy, weekly medical & wellness show along with daily medical minutes that are both educational and entertaining. Award-winning authors Mark Anderson MD, Walter Gaman MD, and … Continue reading Dr. Suzanne Slonim Featured on Radio Show for Fibroids & Treatment Options

Hysterectomy or UFE?

Do you suffer from uterine fibroids? Have you been advised by your doctor to undergo a hysterectomy to treat your fibroids? Have you considered Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) instead? Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) costs less and requires less time in the hospital compared to hysterectomy. Despite these benefits, UFE is severely underutilized in the United … Continue reading Hysterectomy or UFE?